A pretty good day in the workshop, I did the final sanding on the 2 string bass neck and put a protective coat of dilute shellac on it to keep it clean as I work to install the tuners.
I am using PegHed tuners just like I use on ukuleles, but these are large size with an extra long tip that you cut off when installed in the instrument. They are slightly tapered and thus you prepare the holes for them with an identically tapered reamer.
As I ream the holes larger and larger I constantly check to see how far the tuners are inserting. If you look carefully you can see the threads which ultimately will screw themselves into the maple of the neck, The protruding tip will be carefully cut off and finished smooth to only who its end against the maple.
In this photo I have the holes reamed to the point where the threads are just touching the wood. Just a few more careful turns on the reamer and I will be able to thread the tuners in. Time to be careful, Think I will do this in the morning when I am fresh. Notice the slot cut where the nut will be. I have made a buffalo bone nut which has a little tang that fits into that slot. I will install it later.
And I got back to work on the three concert Pinecones finishing the serrations with a fine rasp and files, shaping the necks etc.