It began at the Shuksan Care Center where fourteen of the Bellingham Ukulele Group Community Players gathered to play for the residents. We do this at least once a month at one of Bellingham's care centers. Here you see Sally and Pat waiting for the program to begin.
Here is our wonderful leader, Linda Henderson, getting us ready. You will notice that I have my music well marked up, A solution for old eyes. We do a mean rendition of "California Dreamin"
I was sitting in the back row plunking away on my big two stringed bass "Son of Gut Bucket" Pat Madsen plays a baritone and all the rest of the gang play ukuleles. We are sounding pretty good, and it is such fun.
I got home about 4:00 pm, just time to go down to the workshop to face the dreaded routing of the binding grooves. I always fear this crucial step as a miscue could destroy an emerging instrument.
Here I have wedged the baritone between a couple of redwood billets to hold it steady as I apply the downward spiral cutter in the router that hopefully is set just right to make the cut.
Whew !, The baritone is done, and the cut went perfectly. No split out, no miscues. This uke is ready for its binding. Now for the concert.
Hooray !, That went well too. I got nice cuts that will receive the binding and let the sides stand a tiny bit proud so when sanded down the binding will all be the same thickness when viewed from the top. That is the goal anyway. After vacuuming up all the sawdust, I was able to head upstairs to a celebratory martini before dinner. Got it all done in an hour- Why do I always dread that step in building?
Of course I brought the ukes upstairs for inspection while I enjoyed my martini. I think even the easter bunny is pleased.