Got a ton done today. Starting with finishing fourteen neck blanks.
first I needed to complete the router cut for the carbon fiber rod in the center of each neck. Here is the router set up I used.
Here is a neck blank running through the router set up.
And here is the result, A grove right down the center that will accept that carbon fiber rod that will stabilize the neck. So today I finished 14 neck blanks, that will keep me in necks well into 2020.
This epoxy is pretty ugly, but it will never be seen under the fret board.
So now lets get to more fun projects, stringing up a new uke. This is Floyds tenor getting its Gotah gold tuners installed. these are very nice tuners, wonderfully easy to install.
In this close up perhaps you can see the little spur that prevents the tuner from turning in its hole.. Nicely machined, precision tuners that provide a 4 to 1 gear ratio perfect for ukuleles.
Next step is placing the bridge and saddle in the proper place. That place is secured by bits of tape .
and once it is established, tape goes all around to not only guide the scraping of the top, but holding the bridge in place as it is glued.
we also need to make a nut and cut the string grooves in the proper place at this time.
stretch a string- make a pencil mark- do a bit of measuring, and soon you have the proper places for the string notches marked with pencil.
Floyd has provided his own strings, Aquilla Reds. Never used them before but we will cut the nut to fit these strings. Here are the diameters.
So now we are ready to scrape off the finish and glue on the bridge
And here it is. Bridge glued down, we will string it up in the morning.