WHAT A WEEK END this has been. I have not posted a blog for a few days and if you wonder why, google "Fairhaven.com" There are a dozen photos to view of what has occupied my attention for the last few days.
In the midst of it all was our first BUG , {Bellingham Ukulele Group} meeting of the coming years. As always, BUG begins with a beginner's lesson, this time taught by our incomparable teacher Gail McDonald.
In the midst of it all was our first BUG , {Bellingham Ukulele Group} meeting of the coming years. As always, BUG begins with a beginner's lesson, this time taught by our incomparable teacher Gail McDonald.
Gail McDonald teaching the newbies ably assisted by her husband Patrick. Ten brand new uke players began their lessons at 2:00 p.m.

Then at 3;00 the regulars arrive and the jam begins. I would guess there were 70 folks playing, all eager to get back at it after a busy summer.
Here is a little video taken when Felix borrowed my 'DOUBLEY' and took it up front to play, I love it when he does that and I also enjoyed blaying my new two string bass, but from the back of the hall. Thanks Felix, borrow it any time. We had a really fun Jam-the next one is Saturday Oct 4. Come if you can
Today I met some nice folks , Bob and Cathy, who came up from Anacortes to look at my ukes. They each left with a Griffin instrument. Cathy, a concert Pinecone and Bob with one of the banjo ukuleles. We had a grand visit and they left with smiles on their faces.