Bruce and Eduardo, your tenors are getting close to the finish line.
Bruce's Bubinga on the left, Eduardo's East Indian Rosewood on the right, both lovely woods for ukes.
And the "bear claw" Sitka Spruce is beginning to show its character and beauty with each additional coating of French polish.
My apprentice Rick is learning quickly and being a big help. Here he is clamping together the soundboards of one of our builds and cutting tentalones on the bandsaw with the rubber band powered jig. He is really making a difference in the time it takes to turn out a ukulele.
The tentalones are now on the lower rim of the baritone and I have clamped on the patch over the side sound hole.
Now you can see the patches, Strong maple veneer with grain opposite to that of the sides. The sound hole rings can be seen waiting to be fitted through the sides.
With the Dremel I will rough out an oval hole after first carefully marking with a pencil.
I think I will save the final fitting of the wooden ring to the morning when i am fresh and eager,
Just laid the backs over the instruments to be sure they will fit. Oh happy Day! they fit