It is time to make the nuts and saddles from the stock of buffalo bone I have. It is kind of a smelly job as sanding bone smells like burning fingernails. I use buffalo bone because it is harder than cow bone and therefore transmits sound vibration better.
I don't want to waste any of this buffalo bone, and this thick piece might make two saddles so I decided to saw it in half.
Success, Now I have two saddles, maybe even four. All this work with locally sourced buffalo bone takes a lot of effort but I think it makes my instruments sound just a tiny bit better.
Another benefit is the creation of this bone dust. I collect it in store it in little bottles. When combined with C.A. (super glue), it makes an incredibly hard and strong repair substance for instrument nuts. If you wear a notch too deep into a nut, this combination of bone dust and CA glue will let you redo that nut.