NOW THAT the braces and tone bars are firmly glued to the tops I can do the final thinning with a sharp chisel. The goal is to thin the tone bars down so that they will vibrate well and create resonance. If you leave these pieces to thick you will dull the sound of your instrument. This is not a science, you must thin them til if feels just right, Still strong but flexible.
Here is a lateral view of what the tone bars on the redwood top look like. Looking at this picture prompts me to go down to the shop and carve that first bar down a little bit. I like a gentle concave run each, especially the leg that runs to the bottom of the instrument. The exacto saw is what I use to make the cuts that fit over the bridge brace. Exacto makes two saws that fit in their all purpose handle. The teeth are fine and extremely fine. Perfect for delicate and thin cuts.
Well, off to the shop to thin that tone bar.
Well, off to the shop to thin that tone bar.