Are marvelous indeed. Today we started at Sea Level washing the waves roll in.
Then we drove to the "Up Country" on the slopes of the great volcano. The views looking down on the valley and the sea below are spectacular.
Along the high road, Kula Road, we made our annual visit to Sun Yet Sen park, A grand spot to enjoy the view and look at the interesting Chinese art which adorns it. Even includes a bronze statue of the Chinese leader. but I like this Foo Dog sculpture better.
Here is a closeup.
We also found an old Redwood water tank in the Up Country. The old Redwood tanks of Maui inspired my first interest in Redwood soundboards when Eric Devine showed me Redwood he had sourced from an old tank on Maui. He assured me that the old wood made wonderful soundboards. He was right, except my redwood comes from old water tanks from New York City. Same vintage, same quality.
Ancient and wonderful wood. I only hope that when this tank is finally demolished its wood is respected.