Always a defining moment in a build, when the sides are attached to the soundboard.
It starts by trimming the ends to the proper length. You judge the length by eye, just holding the side over the soundboard and figuring "I ought to cut it off here". Better to cut to little than too much.
That looks about right. So, glue on the bottom edge, lots of clamps, a caul and a clamp to firmly glue the bottoms to the butt plate and the sides are on and looking good.
You don't want to rely on that thin bottom edge making a very strong glue joint, so as soon as possible put in some "tentalones" or "liners". They are what really hold an instrument together.
Ah!, now I am feeling more secure. When that glue sets up, the sides are attached for good.
With the Baritone sides attached I turned to the Concert, and got those maple sides attached too. A good fit in both cases due to the successful bend with the hot pipe yesterday.
Next, I cut the fret slots in the fingerboards and marked the places for the dots. About then I had some visitors to the shop, I was ready to quit anyway. A productive day.
But it is hard to stay away. A couple of hours later I came back and added more "tentalones"