The disaster of yesterday that so badly damaged my bass has preyed on my mind night and day. How best to repair? I think I am beginning to get the plan worked out.
Here are the rudiments of my solution. circular "patches" of maple and Sitka Spruce. Perhaps six of them will be glued over the crack on the inside of the instrument. I made several different sizes while I was at it. The ukulele tuners will act as winches to pull the "patches" up tight against the inside of the cracked sidewall.
Here is how the "patches" are made. A simple process, and while I was doing it I made a lot of them
It helps me to figure out what I want to make if I draw it out first. Here is my crude plan, Much of it borrowed from the Stewart Macdonald crack repair kit shown in their catalog. They charge $37.00 for their winches. I figure I need four of them, and I had an old set of geared tuners sitting around, so why not make my own. See if you can figure out how it works I will use an old ukulele string to pull the patch tight against the instrument wood.
On a lighter note- the Christmas decorations are up. Here is the pear tree laden with the dozens of wooden figures that I carved many years ago for the espaliered pear tree outside our kitchen door at our previous home on Knox Ave.
All of the figures of the" Partridge In A Pear Tree" carved over several Christmas seasons 30 years ago now hang on a steel fabricated pear tree at our present home. Here are some "Lords leaping" and "Pipers Piping" above some " geese a'laying."
Lots of "Drummers Drumming", "Swans a Swimming", "Ladies Dancing", and "Gold Rings" they are all here, enjoying their time in the sun.