These ukes are ready for the next step. placing the bridge and saddle in that magic spot where the intonation will be as perfect as it can be.
'to find that Magic Spot I put the instrument in this device and tune the strings to a note, any note, then pluck the string fretted at the 12th fret. When the notes are identical the saddle is at the magic spot. You move the bridge and saddle until that place is found.
This is the Magic Spot for Laura's tenor. Now to mark it.
Now we have it dialed in. The tape not only keeps the bridge in place during glueing, but defines the area to be scraped free of shellac.
It is amazing how thin that French Polish skin of shellac is. You begin to understand why it is so good acousticaly. Quickly down to bare wood.
and then the glue is applied thinly to both the redwood top and the ebony bridge, clamps are applied and this uke will soon be singing. Tomorrow maybe!