Number 95, the last of the 4 tenors, is going to be strung first. It's Cocobolo body is so shiny and beautiful that I found myself applying the last of the three 1 pound cut shellac treatments to it, and it is now ready to complete.
First came the Peghed tuners, modern planetary geared tuners that just look like old fashioned ebony tuners. They deliver a 4/1 gear ratio, are extremely light, and very excellent. I use them on all of my instruments. Had to ream the tapered holes for them just a little bit more and now they are permanently attached. That wooden plate is spalted big leaf maple, Pretty stuff.
Next it is time to glue on the bridge. It's location is accurately determined by this jig which sets it exactly at a 17 inch distance from the nut, the proper scale length of a tenor ukulele. When perfectly centered from side to side I will place blue tape to keep it in place
about 3 layers of tape carefully placed, not only marks the area to be prepared for glueing, but also holds the bridge in place when the clamps are tightened.
Now, with a razor blade, the shellac is quickly scraped off in the glueing area, Glue is applied to both the top and to the bridge-and
My home-made bridge clamps are tightened over the bridge. In a couple of hours I will repeat the process on the next tenor and mark the bridge pin locations for this instrument.
I would like to get this instrument finished so that I can display it next thursday at
LUTHIER'S LINGO, a program at the Whatcom Museum Old City Hall. Read about it in my next blog. Three luthiers, talking about the building of acoustic instruments,
Dake Traphagen, George Thomas, and myself. Ought to be a fun time, Thursday, April 13, at 12:00 noon at the Old City Hall. Free program sponsored by the Museum Advocates.
I would like to get this instrument finished so that I can display it next thursday at
LUTHIER'S LINGO, a program at the Whatcom Museum Old City Hall. Read about it in my next blog. Three luthiers, talking about the building of acoustic instruments,
Dake Traphagen, George Thomas, and myself. Ought to be a fun time, Thursday, April 13, at 12:00 noon at the Old City Hall. Free program sponsored by the Museum Advocates.