Luthiers from across the country brought their beautiful guitars to show and sell
Hundreds of beautiful instruments and a few really unusual ones.
When sawing a walnut log this luthier found it full of bullet holes. He left the holes and used slices of the bullets for fret markers. He says it sounds just fine.
How's this for detail work. Thin slices of various woods glued onto a solid spruce back, Must have taken days to do it, One of the more unusual guitars.
Very few ukuleles were shown but this was surely one of the most unusual instruments of either kind. I guess this is a ukulele. A fancy taro patch perhaps?
And then there was the bazaar among the beautiful. This luthier must have found a sheep skeleton in the desert. This one was not for sale.
The Festival continues in the quaint village of LaConner through Sunday the 15th. Well worth a visit.