The fret boards are tapered and cut to shape, gently radiused, and now it is time to install the frets. A little glue, a gentle tapping with the hammer, strong pressure from the arbor press and the frets are installed to stay. Here is one done, and one yet to go.
once all the frets are in, and the glue has dried, the ends are nipped off flush to the sides, the ends are smoothed and rounded a bit on the belt sander and they are ready to attach to the instrument. Note the little brad in the empty slot. Two of those are used to hold the fret board in position during the gluing.
Now glue can be applied to the fretboard and it is clamped in position

Next the brads will be pulled, frets put into those two empty slots, a nut made and fitted to the neck, and the peg head plate fitted and glued on and firmly clamped. Then the final neck shaping and lots of sanding can begin. They are coming along nicely.