AT LAST the french polish on the three concert pinecones is finished. Now it is time to attach the bridges-and here is how it is done
This simple wooden jig sets against the nut measuring exactly where the saddle must be positioned.
Once that position is determined, blue tape is laid on precisely surrounding the bridge and holding it in position.
I like to lay down three layers of tape so that the bridge will be held securely during the glueing phase. Then, with a safety razor blade you carefully scrape off the shellac from the surface to be glued. it is very easy to remove the thin layer of shellac from the wood. Now you are ready for the glue.
Apply a thin layer of glue to both the scraped top and the underside of the bridge and clamp it on. I had to make these clamps to fit the concert pinecone, The clamp seen above fits the tenors. They are made from three layers of pretty maple. If ya gotta make tools you might as well make them pretty.
Here is a clever way to clean up the glue that is squeezed from a clamped joint. Cut a plastic straw like you would make a feather quill pen. it will scoop up those drips and squeezes around the edges.
AND FINALLY- DO YOU REMEMBER THE GREAT JUNIPER TREE in a prior post? Well I took a few berries from its branches and brought them home. Today I planted them in a small pot with potting soil, watered them , signed them and now I will breathlessly wait to see if I get any babies. If we should succeed to grow some seedlings we will plant them on San Juan Island
AND FINALLY- DO YOU REMEMBER THE GREAT JUNIPER TREE in a prior post? Well I took a few berries from its branches and brought them home. Today I planted them in a small pot with potting soil, watered them , signed them and now I will breathlessly wait to see if I get any babies. If we should succeed to grow some seedlings we will plant them on San Juan Island