Doug"s Cherry Concert is moving right along.

The sides are on, the tentalbnes all installed, the back is ready-but before it is installed we must put in the side sound port. First the location of the port is determined
And scribed with a pencil line.
Then a rough hole is cut using a drill bit in the Dremel, then a sanding disk is put in the
dremel and the soyndport is fitted with its oval wooden rim and glued in with super glue.
dremel and the soyndport is fitted with its oval wooden rim and glued in with super glue.
Now, preparing for the back the surfaces of the sides are sanded flush to insure a good fit
All done and ready for the back- small notches are cut to accept the three cross braces and glue is applied to the tentalones.
And the back is clamped on. Doug's Cherry Concert is boxed
Next morning the glue has set and it was time to cut the grooves for the binding.