I love walnut wood for ukulele necks and bodies. It is strong, stable, and beautiful. How many thousands of instruments could be made from this spectacular tree. It is likely 125 years old. I hope it lives for another 125.
I went out to photograph it this morning with a tree expert. The largest walnut either of us has ever seen
I went out to photograph it this morning with a tree expert. The largest walnut either of us has ever seen
A limb broke off and fell last winter. I salvaged about four feet of it and will make uke necks from it when it dries. Another piece of the limb lies beside the trunk in this photo. Anyone want it? lovely wood. The owner will sell it for $20.00. you haul.
And from one small walnut the Mighty Tree Doth Grow
and now that you have had your botany lesson-get back to your practicing