I told you bending is a tense time. This one has been typical. The East Indian Rosewood bent perfectly, The Brazilian Rosewood was really sweet, but the Honduran Rosewood- Ouch. The first bend has a tiny crack that I can repair and it will be fine, but the second bend was just a disaster. It broke in four places. I had a hunk of Honduran that had just one more slice on it to cut for a side. Not wanting to err, I went to my luthier mentor George Thomas, who has a great bandsaw. George made the cut and I have now prepared another side for bending, Tomorrow will be the test, If this side won't bend I am going to build the uke with a Honduran back and East Indian sides.
Here is the Brazilian Rosewood tenor that will be #82. The bend was perfect and the sides have been trimmed to the final stage and it is ready for glueing down. I am hopeful that this will be a great tenor. The Rosewood has a marvelous tap-tone, and the fit of the sides is easy and without tension. It is looking really good.
Here is the body from the other end. Note the tape holding the edges of the bottom of the sides together. Tomorrow I will apply the glue, and clamp it all into place and this ukulele will be on its way. It is looking like a really good one.