Thanks so much for looking at my blog from time to time. I enjoy writing it and try to include something interesting about my Ukulele Journey each day. The numbers of you that tune in daily is growing constantly and today hit a whopping 462 readers. Thanks so much for your interest- it is really flattering and exciting to think that so many of you take a look.
I had no time in the workshop yesterday and very little today but I did get some sanding done and work with the scraper fairing the bindings on the tenors. I also got one of the end pieces made and attached.
I had no time in the workshop yesterday and very little today but I did get some sanding done and work with the scraper fairing the bindings on the tenors. I also got one of the end pieces made and attached.
I made the end piece by removing the white from a piece of black/white/black purling leaving only the black on one edge. Then I cut the piece into two sections and glued together the two black edges, Then shaped the piece into the taper that would fit the groove I had routed into the end earlier. I think when a cosmetic repairs are made this will be a handsome end piece with a fine black line up the center.