"Tentalone", kind of a romantic name for those bendable braces that hold the instrument together but it has a nice ring to it. Anyway I make my own out of basswood, they are pretty cheap to buy, but I like the idea of building the entire uke myself and it would feel kind of like cheating to buy them ready made, So after the sides are glued in the first set of tentalones are glued into the corner where top meets side. Next, a tier of tentalones are glued around the top edge to attach the back when the time comes.
Tentalones for the top are held in place as they dry with these little finger clamps cut from 1/8th inch ply. Simple and effective. | Seems like you are always running out of tentalones. I had to saw up some more basswood. Here it is cut, sectioned on the band saw and ready to be shaped and sanded on this little device which just holds them steady as you attack with exacto knife and sandpaper to make the finished product. |
The top tier, destined to hold the back on, is held tight while the glue sets with old fashioned wooden clothes pins. It is already time to begin carving the backs,