Well, I tried- I figured I should experiment on a scrap of Sitka Spruce before attempting a sunburst on that lovely "bear claw" top. I got out all the stuff and had at it.
Expensive bottles of dye in four colors, Everclear alcohol, mixing cups, cotton balls, scraps of cotton and a soprano sized piece of Sitka Spruce. Oh Boy! here we go.
A few minutes later here was the result. YUK! It might have looked a little better on a properly sanded board, but I am not impressed. I am abandoning the sunburst idea, I would prefer looking at that damned pitch pocket in that lovely bear claw top.
A friend, agreeing with me said "Just call it a beauty mark"
And so, on to the next step, shaping the fretboards, installing the marker dots, the frets and filing the fret ends to be smooth and comfortable. This morning I have glued them to the necks and will soon be doing the final shaping of the necks.
And what? you might ask is the fate of the sunburst experiment. Well for now, it will provide a level base to support my martini glass as I play before dinner. That old wicker table threatened to upset my martini glass. It will also remind me to be humble.