I recently re-sawed a piece of Cocobolo that I have had for some time it was very old and black. Look what I got once it was sawn and sanded. Beautiful but spooky-scary almost. Just right for a holloween uke. The grain is so wild that I don't know if it would bend. The figure is so ghoulish that I am not quite sure it would be good on a ukulele.
But it sure is fascinating. Following are several photos of it. What would you do with it?
But it sure is fascinating. Following are several photos of it. What would you do with it?
Do you feel like you are being watched. How's that for a book match?
Whoa !, this makes me feel dizzy, or nauseated, or excited, I am not sure which, fascinating for sure. I will have to give this a lot of thought, In the meantime I will sand it down to .070 or .075 and contemplate it's future. Maybe I will start a new instrument on Halloween eve, and this would sure be the wood to use.