I BOUGHT A NEW IPHONE yesterday and in the aftermath loaded down a free App that allows me to record sound samples and send them by email. At least it worked when I played my uke a bit and sent it to my wife. was she thrilled, oh you bet!. Anyway I guess I have finally figured out how to send sound samples of the ukes I have for sale to any serious buyer who requests one. So if you are a serious buyer, and you want to hear what the uke you are interested in sounds like, send me an email request at [email protected] and I will send you an email with sound.
Mind you the sound will not be James Hill displaying his virtuosity, it will just be me sounding notes on the ukes. I am not quite sure how good the recording of sound will be and how it will play over your computer but hopefully it will represent the sound of my ukes adequately. I think, to really know you must feel the instrument vibrating in your hands. Remember, if you order one and don' t like it you will get your money back. See my return policy. Let me know if you want to hear.
Mind you the sound will not be James Hill displaying his virtuosity, it will just be me sounding notes on the ukes. I am not quite sure how good the recording of sound will be and how it will play over your computer but hopefully it will represent the sound of my ukes adequately. I think, to really know you must feel the instrument vibrating in your hands. Remember, if you order one and don' t like it you will get your money back. See my return policy. Let me know if you want to hear.