At the request of a two persons interested in the Soprano Pinecones I have available I took some additional photos today. Thought you might enjoy them. I call them pinecones because of the laser etched motif and the shape of the peg head.-and the fact that the sound woods are from the forests of the north country, Maple and spruce

#21 has a Sitka Spruce top. These are the consummate travel uke. Tough, thin, light and with amazing tone and volume. They come with a great padded gig bag perfect for traveling

Here is the secret! I carve these maple backs into a curved and concave form that seems to gather the sound and focus it out the sound hole. The rather thick back provides warmth and timbre and makes the instrument really strong not to mention striking in the beauty of the wood.

And look how thin it is. It measures 1 3/4 inches at the thickest place. The side where it joins the neck is only 1 inch wide, and yet they really project.