Thats the way is seems to go in the workshop. Everything goes just fine for a while. Then disaster strikes.
I got the tentelones all glued on very nicely--The top view was looking good.
I tapered the fretboard and drilled the holes for the papa abalone fret markers at the 5th, 7th and 10th fret.
But somehow I managed to get the dot for the 10th fret a bit off center. I first thought I would put in two dots beside it and then drill and plug the off center fretboard. That was going to look shoddy, so I popped out the Paua dots and will scrap this fretboard. Not a big deal. I have another piece of East Indian RW and now just have to set up the fret slot ing jig again and cut another fretboard. Next time I will be more careful when drilling the holes for those markers.

But I did get the back braces cut an carved and firmly attached to the back. Nothing to prevent me from boxing this ukulele up in the morning. Oh, and I tanned the back down to .080 also.