THIS MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN is the 10,700 foot Mount Baker, just 30 miles to the east of where I live. Each September we like to drive up to Artists Point to revel in the beauty of the Cascades. Last Sunday was as beautiful as it could be. We did a bit of hiking, picked a quart of blueberries for our annual pie (these tiny mountain blueberries make my very favorite pie) and just stared at the beauty all around us. I took along a soprano Pinecone travel uke. We were traveling after-all. Played a few riffs to salute the mountains.

Pinecones fit right into this picture, built of the fine tonewoods of the great Pacific Northwest. Mt Baker and I have similar colored tops it would appear. Mt Baker is a volcanic mountain and always vents steam. I try to keep my cool.

If you turn around you see this sight, Mt. Shuksan a bit to the Northeast of Baker. the snow is almost all gone at Artist Point, 4,700 feet elevation.

These mountains just make you want to sing- And strum!

Here we are at Picture Lake a bit lower down. This is where the blueberries are to be found, in the heather meadows around these incredible lakes. It's hard to keep your eyes on the blueberries when scenes like this are all around you.