A couple of days ago I had a visit from a university photo journalism student who wanted to take some pictures of me and my workshop. Since I did no work on ukuleles today and had nothing to write a blog about I thought you might enjoy her pictures which she just emailed to me. Thanks Alysia
the old luthier playing a "Pinecone" sanding on the binding of the East Indian rosewood uke. The neck is Honduran Mahogany | Her wide angle lens catches the whole shop As you can see, my workshop is a large double garage in the basement of my home. Kind of a crazy place to see as I have the walls hung with lots of memories, Many water colors from the years that I painted, odds and ends of wood carvings and stuff I have made or that caught my eye. Drop by and say hello if you are in my neighborhood. better call me first tho to be sure I am home. |