Lined up on the work table are the back and side selections for #'s 92, 93, 94 and 95. On the left is the magnificent Cocobolo I received from Richardo from Paracho stacked behind the fine grained old growth cedar that I have hoarded for 50 years. The next three to the right are all East Indian Rosewood backs and sides and NYC water-tank redwood tops. This combo of woods has made really special ukes. Now I need to glue them together. Maybe tomorrow I will get started on that.
This Cocobolo back is just intredibly beautiful. The challenge is How should I arrange the wood This way???
Or this way. And if you think this is the best way, which side is the top and which the bottom. A nice problem to have for this is a really spectacular piece of wood.
Tonite we had a little neighborhood party. Tony and his daughter Anja had some fun with my two string bass. Tony tried out the bow. He is much better at picking. We did a little uke and bass playing in front of the fireplace. Good Christmas fun.