This crucial step is very easy if the bend is correct, very difficult if it is not. Fortunately all three bends were right on the mark and the sides fit perfectly.
both ends of each side are trimmed to the proper length using the eyeball and several fittings. Here they are ready to glue and clamp. A thin line of glue is run on the bottom of the side and then clamped down in the proper place on the sound board.
Glued and clamped. The assembly jig has adjustable guides keeping control of the lateral position.
I like to get the tentalones on immediately. Once they are glued in the sides are permanently and securely in place. I just made these tentalones yesterday on the band saw. They are made of basswood. Light but plenty strong.
It is time to start the "string up" I put one more coat of French Polish on Gary's and Sandy's and will get to them tomorrow. The 'hog' and Bearclaw will get it's bridge first. here I am positioning the bridge using a tried and true jig. it is clamped at the center of the zero fret at one end and rests on the bridge with saddle inserted at the other. Notice I have canted the saddle a tiny bit to the bass side to compensate for intonation.
Now I preserve the position with tiny strips of blue tape. This determines the area to be scraped clear of finish and holds the bridge in the position when glued and clamped.
And now to scrape off the finish so the glue will work, wood to wood. I glued and clamped the bridge and left the shop for the evening. Tomorrow I will fit the saddle, install the tuners, drill the holes for the strings, and notch the nut- Then we will hear the "Hog" sing.