That lovely bottle of Sauternes that Ali sent me was a 2017 vintage, not 1917. Sorry about that typo. You can be sure I will drink it long before it even becomes ten years old. To make amends, I worked on Ali's tenor today, take a look, it will be very pretty.
I have glued in the white/black/white purfling and now am fitting the end piece selected from my scrap box of rosewood to match the binding. The dark stain is from the super glue catalyst used to set the purfling. It will disappear.
Now it is fitted, glued and taped in while the glue sets.
Planed and sanded down, The end piece is almost done.
I chose this dark Rosewood binding feeling that the Sycamore and Cedar needed some contrast. the fretboard will be Honduran Rosewood, which is a medium brown color. I like my decision.

A bit prematurely, this package was delivered by the mail many today. It is Ali's hard case that will carry his Sycamore uke to Bordeaux. No matter, I have lots of room to store it until the uke is ready. Lets see if the instrument fits in the case.
It fits perfectly- and a pretty nice case too.