The next step is planing the sides down to the proper height. They are always cut a little large to be safe.
Andreas's tenor is now trimmed down to proper heights and it is time to add the tentalones.
It will take most of these two basswood strips to do the job.
I find it very helpful to pre-bend the tentelones over the unheated pipe. the gradual bend is set in this way.
Bent and ready to glue. It is best to glue them on in several segments to accomodate the slight curve in the back.
Now it is done, next step will be the side sound port installation.
Here is where it will go. A pencil line is made around the oval.
After roughly cutting out the hole it is fitted with the sanding disc on the Dremel
Glued in with superglue
the inside protrusion will be carved flat and sanded flush. Job done.