This is a crazy time year. Christmas parties, shopping, dark and gloomy weather, but life needs to be lived.
Chip and I decided to add a little Christmas Cheer to Fairhaven's epic retail store, Village Books. With the owners consent, we spent an hour the other day playing our ukuleles.
Chip and I decided to add a little Christmas Cheer to Fairhaven's epic retail store, Village Books. With the owners consent, we spent an hour the other day playing our ukuleles.
We had a very nice time, meeting some interesting people and enjoying our hour. We have decided we will like to do it again.
Back in the workshop, I had almost run out of the spalted Maple peg head plates that i like to use on my ukuleles.. I took twenty pieces to Bay Engraving in Bellingham to have Kurt lazer the g into them. Kurt got them done promptly for which i am most grateful. So here they are, ready to receive the wood inlay. After sanding, these will grace my ukuleles for 2020. See any favorites?
Here is an example that will be on Connies new uke. Not finished yet.