Linda's Christmas present is almost built. Leaving just the finish to do. It is only Nov. 16th, and I was worried about getting it done by Christmas. No Worries now.
This peg head is a bit thicker than I like, so I took it to the sander after marking the desired thickness.
A little careful sanding and the peg head is where it ought to be.
Now it is looking slim and fast.
YES, this is where I want it to be. Now it all flows to the body and into the "hook"
For some reason I am hooked on "the hook". Ukuleles that just end in a square foot turn me off. I love the curve that can be put into the foot of the ukulele neck. Seems to caress my aesthetic sense.
Now it is time to perfect the curve of the "hook". I start with 80 grit. I seek to get kind of a lateral swoop on this part of the neck.
Next, I wanted to prepare for installing the tuners. I drill the holes with a hand drill to avoid blowing out a split on the underside of the peg head. I start with a small drill bit. Then a large bit that will create a hole large enough to accept the tapered reamer.
Here is the tapered reamer opening up the holes almost to the point where the Peghed tuners can be threaded in. I will leave the fine adjustments until later. This is just pre-work.
Just a few little cosmetic things now and I will be able to start the French Polish. Oh, and I have to get the buffalo bone out and make the nut and saddle.