I got a great deal done today. Wife has a cold, nowhere to go, Just spend the day playing in the workshop. Amazing how much you can accomplish with an entire day.
Got the side sound port installed in the Bari. This is the beginning. The hole gets shaped with a small sanding drum on the Dremel,
Once the hole is shaped to accept the oval ring, the ring gets glued in with thick super-glue.
This is what it looks like on the inside. The dark patch is to support the hole and prevent a split of the side.
Then I filled the pores on Delrene's Kasha tenor. A little sawdust rubbed into the pores with a cotton ball wet with a bit of dilute shellac. A few applications, a sanding and another application and the pores look to be filled. Time to start French Polishing.
A couple of coats of French Polish on, then I turned to the Bari fretboard. Here is the tool that cuts the slots for the frets. the plastic thing is taped to the fretboard and indexes to the little bronze pin protruding from the sled. You can just barely see the pin. Makes cutting the slots easy, fast and accurate.
And here is the result. Nicely cut in just a few minutes. that is Honduran Rosewood. Hard dense wood is what you want on a fretboard.
then I sawed the taper in the fretboard, drilled the holes for the marker dots on top and sides
Installed some Paua Abalone shell dots. Love that Paua shell. Made a lot of progress today. Some holiday!