I MADE THIS NEAT LITTLE DEVICE that slides in the table groove of my bandsaw and allows me to cut tentalones evenly by indexing on a little sliding piston powered by a single rubber band. The nose of the piston fits into the last cut saw kerf and holds the piece there for the next cut of the blade, then a gentle push of the work piece advances it to re-engage and be ready for the next cut. Works really slick. The next step is to shave the piece into sloping form with a sharp exact blade. Then a few licks with some sandpaper bent over a rubber eraser and you have tentalones just like store bought only you feel better about them cuz you made them yourself. SORRY BUT I CAN'T FIND THE PICTURE OF MY NEAT LITTLE INVENTION. I WILL TAKE ANOTHER AND GET IT POSTED TOMORROW. GOT TO MAKE A BUNCH MORE TENTALONES ANYWAY. |