The backs are made, the bodies done, it is time to box them up, but first we need to be sure everything is perfectly flat, So this big piece of 80 grit sand paper clamped to a plywood circle will do that job.
Might as well smooth up the sides while we are at it.
And now, to apply the glue, carefully align back and body, and clamp them together tightly with these large rubber bands. They make a very tight clamp.
A few hours later it is time for some serious sanding and for that I open the shop door, turn on the outward blowing fan and the dust collection system at my almost outdoor sanding station.
That sawdust is not good for your health! it is also good to have sunlight to illuminate your work.
With the basic sanding done, now it is time for the heel plate, the fret board and the peg head plate. Maybe tomorrow.