THE CLASSIC SPANISH GUITAR method of attaching neck to body begins this way.
First the neck is attached to the top of the instrument by cutting away the top of the neck to the exact thickness of the top. I do that by carefully setting the saw blade that penetrates this "sled" and simply nibbling away at the neck .
First the neck is attached to the top of the instrument by cutting away the top of the neck to the exact thickness of the top. I do that by carefully setting the saw blade that penetrates this "sled" and simply nibbling away at the neck .
Back and forth over the cutting blade until you have nibbled away a flat plane just the depth of the thickness of the top. The micrometer gets you started but there is no better guage than the feel of your finger as you slide it over the neck, top connection. Trust your senses.
Here are the tools used in this operation. It is incredible to me how many tools I have acquired over the years of fussing around in the workshop. It has gotten to the disappointing stage that I rarely have the pleasure of going to the Hardware Store to buy another tool. Some of these are really old friends.
At the bottom is my grandfathers razor strop. This old piece of leather, dressed from time to time with a little abrasive stuff puts a wonderful edge on any bladed tool. I have used it for fifty years, since his death. I rescued it from the bathroom in the old house in Seattle. Above the strop is a great english flat chisel I bought at an English antique bazaar many years ago. Above that one of a set of fine English carving tools given me by my mother in law about 40 years ago, The micrometer calibrated to tenths of an inch that I could not build ukes without, a jewelers saw used for sawing really fine work, bone, wood, it makes no difference. To the left, a lignum vitae carving mallet, always useful and a remnant of my wood carving days. A long aluminum ruler to the right to align the instrument, and finally the glue to keep it all together. Oh and don't ever forget the sharp blade of the Exacto carving knife. The knife of 1,000 uses.