I am into Pinecone ukes at the moment. 'fun to be making these excellent and beautiful ukes again. I spent most of the shoptime today making a set-up jig for a tenor pinecone. turned out well and have it to work at the moment.
Here is the soundboard for the experimental tenor.
And here is the soundboard for the Concert Pinecone
I must bend the narrow maple sides to the Pinccone shape and I do it with a heat blanket draped over this pinecone form. i can control there temp. with the blue router speed control on the right. I bent at 300 to 350 degrees.
Here is the successfully bent side for the new Kasha tenor drying in the new assembly jig that I made today. I will soon put the soundboard into this jig, glue the sides to it and and secure it with tentalones. got to finish the neck first. The sides will fit into slots on the neck.
and here is the smaller Concert jig with its sides. Again, I will need to get the neck a bit farther along as the side must be inserted into it. Perhaps tomorrow.