It is only the second day of applying the French Polish treatment, but it is already taking on a nice shine. a couple of weeks of this and this rosewood will be like a mirror, but deep and lustrous.
I try to do at least two applications each day. It will get better and better.
Next project was burning in the identity info. This won't be easy to see, but if you look through the sound hole, or the side sound port it will be evident. My hope is that someone 100 years from now might be enjoying these instruments and will know the maker and when they were built.
Now I need to cut away the groove for the sound board to fit into. Once the saw blade height is set, this is a very easy way to do it.
The saw does not get it all, but the chisel will finish the job.
And now we are ready to attach the neck to the sound board
Here we are- glued and clamped.
I also got the two pieces of Port Orford Cedar joined to make the sound board for #103. It will be a Kasha also