This big bumblebee queen was loading up on pollen and nectar to take back to her secret cave and stock the honey pots to feed her soon to be born babies. I saw the huge queens of three species of Bombus feasting on the heather today, Also lots of male Orchard Mason Bees recently emerged from their winter cocoons and eagerly waiting for the females to appear.
This big bumblebee queen was loading up on pollen and nectar to take back to her secret cave and stock the honey pots to feed her soon to be born babies. I saw the huge queens of three species of Bombus feasting on the heather today, Also lots of male Orchard Mason Bees recently emerged from their winter cocoons and eagerly waiting for the females to appear.
The workshop was a busy place too. The two tenors got more French Polish, The Maple bowl got another coat of finish, Tone bars are being glued to the tops of two new instruments, and a Maple neck is being pieced together.
The tone bars get glued on, two or three at a time. I let them set for a couple of hours before removing the clamps.
I put a new blade in the band saw. Amazing how much difference a sharp blade makes. I cut some aluminum with the old blade-Bad idea!
Installed a carbon fiber rod in the neck. Epoxied in, this neck will never warp. So it was a busy day, I was busy as the bees.