Teri's Ukulele is now done and strung up. It is time to install the MiSi pickup. First the uke is clamped to the work table and the location of the hole is carefully measured and marked.
the hole will be drilled with this Step Drill. I have found that it drills a perfect hole with no damage to the surrounding wood. This will have to go through to its maximum width, 1/2 inch.
And here we go. It is almost through now. Looking good so far.
Here is the pickup. The strap button, nut and washer will be taken off and the rest of the pickup will be placed inside the uke and the threaded barrel brought out through the hole. it is secured by clamping it to the butt plate with the washer and nut. The round thing is a capacitor which stores electric energy like a battery. It is charged by inserting a charger into the barrel end.
The big challenge is bringing the piezo cable up through a hole that you drill in the saddle groove.
Using a thin steel wire inserted into the hole and attached to the piezo cable, I have drawn the cable out of the hole from within. Now I must get the barrel out of the hole from within.
And that is done with a wooden dowel which fits snuggly into the barrel of the pickup. once adjusted the washer and nut are screwed on tight and the pickup is firmly bolted to the butt block.
Now the Piezo cable is simply laid in the groove of the bridge, the saddle placed over it and the job is done. Not simple, but not bad when you have done it a few times. Now lets string it up and enjoy some music.