Now comes the trickiest part of the job, snaking the Baggs pickup up through the tiny hole in the slot of the bridge and from the inside. But we are almost done and so here is how you do it.

First, fish the end of the pickup out of the interior of the uke and using a piece of blue tape, tape it in position sticking out of the sound hole. You will have to attach a wire to it and thats a two handed job so you don't want it to fall back into the hole.

Here it is taped in position and sticking out of the hole. Now you are ready for the wire.

Now insert the wire into the hole in the bridge from above and fish it out of the sound hole. Use about 24 inches of wire, its cheap!

Now wrap the wire around the end of the pickup five or six times and then around itself so that the wire when pulled will lead the pickup through the hole. Then pull the wire from the bridge end. It will pull the pickup down into the ukulele ---and----

HERE IT COMES! Just as planned, out of the hole to be laid flat in the groove. Be sure to pull it far enough so that the first string will have the pickup under it. Lay it in the groove to the end of the saddle and untie the pulling wire.

Replace the saddle, re-attach the strings and tension them up, you are almost done.
The threaded end of your MiSi should be sticking out this far. Now simply screw on the "strap button", insert the charging prong connected to your 110 circuit and charge the MiSi. The first time leave the prong in for 90 seconds, after that a 60 second charge will fill the capacitor with enough electricity to power your amplifier for an amazing 16 hours of playing. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE NOW ELECTRIFIED YOUR UKULELE
Have fun with it.
Have fun with it.