JOHN "CHUCK" HERIN is a professional cello player in a Symphony orchestra in South Carolina. He is obviously a pretty clever fellow in other areas. He tired of the old fashioned friction tuners of yesteryear and invented a modern aluminum geared tuner that looks just like an old ebony violin or cello tuner. The are black, dull satin finish and to my eye and taste, fit the proper look of a ukulele to a tee. In addition they are extremely light and allow your instrument perfect balance. They hold their tune and with a four to one gear ratio they tune quickly and accurately with-out twisting forever as you do with 12/1 geared tuners.
Monica, who has first pick of the three concert Pinecones I am just finishing requested Rosewood peg buttons rather than the usual black, and Herin can do that too. I ordered a special set of Rosewoods and here they are Monica, next to the standard black for comparison just as you requested.
Monica, who has first pick of the three concert Pinecones I am just finishing requested Rosewood peg buttons rather than the usual black, and Herin can do that too. I ordered a special set of Rosewoods and here they are Monica, next to the standard black for comparison just as you requested.
The photo makes the wood grip a bit lighter in color and the standard grip a bit less black. The Rosewood is the Swiss Violin shape. They cost two bucks more or $8.00 more per set.
I now use Peghed tuners on all of my instruments unless a customer orders otherwise. Their quality and function is reliable and excellent and their aesthetic quality fits the ukulele perfect in my opinion.
I now use Peghed tuners on all of my instruments unless a customer orders otherwise. Their quality and function is reliable and excellent and their aesthetic quality fits the ukulele perfect in my opinion.