THE ABSOLUTELY MOST SCARY part of making a ukulele is taking a router to the instrument to cut the slots for the binders. You are virtually cutting the instrument apart if it were not for the tentalones holding it together. The potential is always there for a horrendous slip or lurch which could do total disaster to the instrument that you have labored so long to bring to this point. You must hold the instrument perfectly firmly before you begin this delicate operation. I devised a clamp like jig to accomplish this but I made it for a Tenor. Now I want to rout binder slots in Concerts. What do I do?
I decided that I would make inserts to fill the gaps and firmly hold the smaller concerts while I do cut the binder slots with the router. and the braces fit perfectly. this concert is held tight as can be. Time to get that whirring machine out and prepare for the binders. Cross your fingers.