Whew, the bending is done, and it was 100% successful. I was really worried about the Cocobolo., The Brazilian Rosewood was the last of that wood that I had. If I had broken a side it would have been a dilemma.
Here is the Claro Walnut cooling off in the holder. Walnut is pretty easy to bend, Never tried Cocobolo before.
Wel, I made it. Here is the Cocobolo, now being fitted and about ready to glue to the Sound Board. I made this assembly jig and it has been immensely successful in attaching the sides. The Cocobolo bent very nicely. The heat of the process boils a great deal of resin which then solidifies on the wood. Took a bit of hand sanding to clean it up, This is going to be beautiful wood.
The final bend was the Brazilian Rosewood. It was a bit easier to bend and not nearly as resin loaded. Finally today I ben the binding for all three ukes in one taped together bend, and that went perfectly as well. I enjoyed a nice martini in celebration this afternoon.
The final bend was the Brazilian Rosewood. It was a bit easier to bend and not nearly as resin loaded. Finally today I ben the binding for all three ukes in one taped together bend, and that went perfectly as well. I enjoyed a nice martini in celebration this afternoon.
My friend John brought this two year old uke in for a bit of maintenance. John is an excellent and enthusiastic player who plays every day. He is also a fingernail strummer. Consider this a before photo. I am going to sand this clean and refinish. If I can get it looking good enough I will put a clear plastic guard over it. If I cannot make it look good I will attach an opaque pick guard. This guy loves his uke and is surely not going to change the way he strums so a pick guard is the only answer. I will post an "after" photo when the repair is complete.
My friend John brought this two year old uke in for a bit of maintenance. John is an excellent and enthusiastic player who plays every day. He is also a fingernail strummer. Consider this a before photo. I am going to sand this clean and refinish. If I can get it looking good enough I will put a clear plastic guard over it. If I cannot make it look good I will attach an opaque pick guard. This guy loves his uke and is surely not going to change the way he strums so a pick guard is the only answer. I will post an "after" photo when the repair is complete.