I MAY HAVE MENTIONED BEFORE that I am in the midst of a huge local history project that is limiting my uke making time. I am the Curator of a history exhibition that will open in July of this year, and I have discovered and now have in my possession a huge collection of the personal papers of J.J. Donovan, the subject of the exhibition. I have been working since last August reading thousands of letters, organizing and cataloging the papers as well as planning the exhibition.
Imagine my surprise this week when I opened a box of memorabilia from the turn of the century (20th) and found an ancient set of UKULELE STRINGS.
Imagine my surprise this week when I opened a box of memorabilia from the turn of the century (20th) and found an ancient set of UKULELE STRINGS.
I HAD NEVER SEEN gut strings before. Who knows how old they are, nicely arranged in their 2 by 2 by 2 1/2 inch paper envelopes. Unused, still have labels on them. I would guess perhaps 1920. The gut strings are twisted. They are of different thicknesses and are labeled string 1, 2, 3 and 4. 10. cents is marked on one of the envelopes. Would you not love to put these in one of your favorite soprano ukes and hear what they sounded like back in the roaring twenties. I hate to think of losing these links to the past so I will just leave them in their envelopes. back then looks like you could change your strings for .40 cents.