You need old cotton tee shirts to apply the French Polish. I grabbed this old timer out of my drawer and began to scissor it up, but when I turned it over I felt remorse. More than 20 years ago in Holland we were working on the old barge Vertrouwen that we would travel the canals and rivers of Europe on for many years. The Cafe De Blizzard was a pub at the head of the dock that holds happy memories. Well, I will commit those memories to the beauty of the four tenors that are shown in the following pictures.
They are beginning to shine. About another ten days and they should be strung up.
# 95 is made with this wonderful Cocobolo. Simply the prettiest wood I have built with to date. Cocobolo is hard as heck, dense and oily and boy does it take a finish. When this is entirely finished it will blind the eye.
This is a fun stage of the construction. Love to see the glow grow.