ONCE AGAIN I am starting a build of three ukuleles, this time Concert Pinecones. I like to assemble all the parts and pieces I will be using. Here is the collection to date.
The soundboards are ready to install, so are the sides, Today I took the rasp to the backs to begin the outer shape. I will sand them smooth and then turn them over to hog out the concave inner shape. The butt plates are cut and almost ready, the bridges are just waiting to be sanded, the necks are rough cut on the band saw but will need lots of work. The only thing I lack are the two spruce soundboard braces for each uke. Maybe I will start whittling those out tomorrow.
Here is the third back being shaped with the rasp. It is clamped to a jig which is clamped into my "Parrot Vice" which I clamp to the work table. What would we do without clamps?
Below are new strings from Southcoastukes.com I bought them at the request of a friend who is interested in the Redwood/East Indian Rosewood tenor that I am finishing. He swears by them- get this! They are all steel strings. They are very thin, completely smooth. I will put them on the Redwood when the time is right and give you a report. They are called "Heavy Medium Linear -CM" The CM stands for "Classic Metals"
Southcoast makes marvelous strings and post an incredible website. If you want an education on strings google their web-site and prepare to be loaded up with information.
Southcoast makes marvelous strings and post an incredible website. If you want an education on strings google their web-site and prepare to be loaded up with information.