A pretty good afternoon in the shop today. Got the fret boards sized where I want them and got the dots all glued in. Treated myself on the redwood/rosewood to a little bling-used Paua abalone dots, sure pretty.
Then I got at the backing for the sound-holes.
Then I got at the backing for the sound-holes.
The dark piece is a really thin ebony veneer cut so the grain is opposite to that of the Rosewood side. The maple with the hole in it that I am holding is my glueing caul. It came from an experimental broken side and just happened to have the perfect bend.
got that patch nicely clamped in place. When the glue dries I will be ready to cut out the sound hole.
Here is the patch, snugly glued in place to guard against a split that might occur from the sound hole. Those white spots on the back at the bottom of the pictures are mother of pearl fret board dots waiting to be installed. I put them on the dark wood so I could find them again.