I got a great tip from L.M.I.'s Robbie O'Neal at the recent Luthier;s Guild Convention. He said don't use 2 lb cut shellac-just use the thinner 1 lb. cut mixture of shellac and alcohol. It dries so much faster that you can put on coat after coat and build it up to a complete finish much faster.
He was sure right, it also seems to be shinier. I am making quick progress on #98
He was sure right, it also seems to be shinier. I am making quick progress on #98
This tip was worth the expense of the convention. I am just amazed at how much better and faster it is to just use 1 lb. cut. I have not sanded this finish yet but it is about ready for the leveling sanding. This tenor is going to a fellow in Philadelphia.
Here is the Concert that the client has named "Journey". In this picture I have just completed the pore filling by sprinkling Cocobolo dust on the body and rubbing it into the pores with a cotton ball containing a few drops of 1 lb. cut. It took four applications to fill the pores. After the 3rd has dried, you lightly sand it with 320 grit paper leaving the sanding dust on it. Then go over that with the cotton ball and a few drops of dilute shellac and the pores should disappear. In a few minutes that dries and now you can begin French Polish. On a clean cotton dauber "munica" put 8 drops of 1 lb. cut, 3 drops of alcohol, and 1 drop of olive oil. Then begin rubbing firmly.
Here are the results of just the first application, Thanks Robbie, I love your technique
It even has a little shine already. This is making life a lot easier.